Informs learning plans and teaching strategies for individual students and class cohorts









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NeuroMite Learning Ability Profiling is designed to comprehensively assess both cognitive and non-cognitive abilities of students. The assessment is based on scientifically validated tests that are precise, brief and reliable measures of key factors that underpin student learning capacity and academic results.

Research has shown that student learning and academic performance is largely determined by a student’s cognitive and non-cognitive profile.  For instance, students with greater attention, memory and executive functioning abilities, score higher in school subjects, NAPLAN, and external tests such as ICAS.  Similarly, students with greater levels of self-efficacy, conscientiousness, resilience and open mindset, learn faster and achieve higher academic results when compared to students with average or low levels.

Individual student results are collated, analysed and reported in a group wide (class, grade, school level) document.  A profile of students’ cognitive and non-cognitive abilities is produced, which provides insights into strengths and weaknesses that are not easily determined or identified behaviorally, without the use of specialised tests.

The NeuroMite Learning Ability Profiling approach provides additional insights into student learning capacities based on cognitive and non-cognitive profiling. When combining these insights with known linkages to academic results, learning implications and teaching strategies emerge as enhanced pathways to improve student learning potential.