NeuroMite programs use Schuhfried’s CogniPlus training system for developing students’ cognitive functions

Developed by Prominent Scientists          Many prominent scientists have worked with experts at SCHUHFRIED to develop CogniPlus, including Pro. Walter Strum, Prof. Joachim Funke and Prof. Matthias Weisbroad who have researched neuropsychological assessment, treatment of attention disorders, functional reorganisation after attention therapy and functional imaging of attention functions.
Based on a Deficit-Oriented Intervention Approach   Each CogniPlus training program is tailored to a specific deficit, because studies have shown that use of over-complex training programs may actually cause performance to deteriorate. Training programs are only offered for cognitive functions that are scientifically proven to be trainable.
Embedded in a Context of Scientific Theory   CogniPlus training programs are always developed in the light of the relevant up-to-date scientific literature. Theory-led design is a top priority. All our partners are noted for their theoretical expertise as well as their practical clinical experience.
Adapts Automatically to the Individual’s Ability   CogniPlus is an intelligent interactive system which is neither too easy nor too difficult for the student. It reliably identifies the student’s ability level and adapts automatically to it. One of the conditions for successful training is thus met: the users of the program are motivated.
Realistic and Motivating Design   In CogniPlus, the ability dimensions being trained are almost always embedded in life like scenarios. This has been achieved through collaboration with computer game programmers, who have produced impressive three-dimensional scenes. It is this appealing, modern and motivating appearance that makes CogniPlus popular with students.
Training at all  Ability Levels   The CogniPlus training programs can be used across the entire student ability range. This opens up completely new opportunities for use alongside the traditional areas of application such as the rehabilitation of students with cognitive deficits. For example, CogniPlus can be used to improve the attention of students with ADHD.
Recommended by Respected Institutions  

The AIXTENT training programs, which led to the development of the CogniPlus attention training modules, are listed with recommendation strength A in the guidelinesof the Society for Neuropsychology (GesellschaftfürNeuropsychologie - GNP, 2009) and the German Society for Neurology (Deutsche GesellschaftfürNeurologie– DGN, 2008).

Recommendation A Image